Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Any time now!

Well, I am 38 weeks and he could come any time now. Doc says he is in position and ready to meet this world. I have an appointment tomorrow morning so I will find out more then. I am getting very anxious to meet our little prince... and to have my body back. I am finding it very difficult to move around these days. Marty literally has to push me out of bed when I need to get up, because I can not support my own weight enough to roll over! haha :)

So far I have gained 27 lbs. I think I have done pretty good over all, but I was hoping to have gained only 25- so I missed the mark, but just by a little.

As you can see my belly is HUGE! It could potentially be another 2 weeks before his arrival, but I hope it is sooner because each day he grows bigger! I pray that I don't have a 10 pounder!

My last day at The Vine was on Sunday. It was a very emotional day for me. I am very excited about being a stay-at-home-mommy, but I will definitely miss all my friends and co-workers at Shepherd. Although God is taking us through what can be looked at as a scary transition in our lives right now, we are very excited and filled with joy in knowing that He will take care of us, and provide for our every need. We find peace in the fact that He is in control and His word promises that He will never leave us nor forsake us.

Please continue to pray for a quick and easy delivery, a healthy baby boy and a smooth transition as we bring baby home from the hospital. I hear those first few weeks can be tough...

We still have not decided on a name.... but you will all find out just as soon as we do! :)

Much Love,
The Collins Family

Friday, February 6, 2009

North Carolina Baby Shower

Thank You Grandma Collins for throwing such a lovely shower! ;)
We love you LeDean!

We were sooo blessed by all the family and friends that came to show their love and excitement for the arrival of our little prince. I particularly enjoyed all the stories about when Marty was a little boy, if our son is anything like he was as a kid, I am going to have my hands full! haha!

Unfortunately, we were not able to be there in person, but we did make an appearance on a large screen TV through amazing technology... iChat! Thanks to the help of Marty's cousin Matthew, we were able to see and chat with everyone there! So cool!

They did play "guess how big the belly is" game! I stood up in front of the camera to give them an idea... and heard the room erupt in ooos and ahhhs... they couldn't believe my waist had stretched to a HUGE ** inches... you thought I was going to tell you huh? haha.

We thank you all for the abundance of gifts! Ya'll know how to spoil the grandchildren! :)

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Nursery

The beautiful mural

Baby is going to love monkeys

My favorite part is the curious turtle :)

Sweet little monkey

Thanks to our friend Kenny Keyes for making the nursery so special!

The Crib and Jungle Tales Bedding. Thanks Grandma and Uncle Bruce!