Tuesday, July 29, 2008

There's a Baby in My Belly!!! :)

On June 26th, 2008 we discovered that we are going to be parents! This came as a big surprise, as we were planning on waiting another few years to start our family, but God's timing is not our timing....and He always knows best!!!

So... terrified from the positive test, I called Marty home from the gym, and in tears told him the news. He just laughed at me and smiled. Now that it has sunk in, we are so excited and thank God for this precious gift he is entrusting us with.

On July 28, our 2 year anniversary, we had our first doctors appointment. Marty came and sat by my side as we watched our little bean move around inside my belly. We even got to hear the heart beat... it was AMAZING! Dr. says everything looks great and the baby is healthy. Our estimated delivery date is March 4th.

I have been battling morning sickness, which unfortunately doesn't just happen in the morning, and certain foods and smells make me nauseous. Saltine Crackers have become my best friend! I have been noticing all kinds of changes in my body already.

I have been reading "What to Expect, When You Are Expecting," which tells you pretty much everything you ever wanted to know about pregnancy.

Please pray for us as we embark on the journey of pregnancy & parenthood!